SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error – using php/pdo mysql stored procedures (sp)

I spent many hours last night trying to figure out why I was getting a fatal error: ‘SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error 0’ in my code and finally figured it out but first my environment. I’m using Zend Server CE running php 5.3.0, zend framework 1.9.0 and mysql 5.1.32. I should have tested this bug without the zend framework to make sure it’s not specific to zf (I don’t think it is) but I’m feeling lazy so I’ll let someone else try it out.

My code works as follows. I have a php class that calls a stored procedure which will take in an id, return a record set (if found) and will also return 2 out variables. While it was returning a record set everything was working perfectly fine. When I tried passing an invalid id, nothing was being returned and my code would keep giving me the ‘SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error 0’ (very helpful error indeed…).

The issue ended up being the way I had my stored procedure coded. I would first check to see if the id passed was valid, if so I would select the data else I would set my out vars to some value and do nothing else. For some reason, because I wasn’t returning a select, my code would blow up. In the mysql query browser, my stored procedure worked fine and my second select to get the out vars was working correctly. But php didn’t like it one bit. I tried forcing a select in my stored procedure in the invalid id section and then everything worked fine again. This sounds a bit confusing so here is the way I can replicate this. Continue reading “SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error – using php/pdo mysql stored procedures (sp)”

Using MySQL Stored Procedure IN/OUT and Recordset w/ PHP

Note: The code below will not work on all environments. I’m using php 5.2.6 with mysql driver 5.0.18.

In a previous post:

I explained how to use MySQL stored procedures with different db adapters such as mysql, mysqli, and pdo in PHP. In those examples, I demonstrated calling a sp with in/out variables and calling a stored procedure that returns a recordset. One of the comments I received was a person asking how to call a stored procedure that uses in/out parameters as well as returns a recordset. It’s not much different and here’s how.

The trick is to combine both methods in one. Here’s an example of what the stored procedure looks like:

DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS `test`.`get_users` $$
IN firstName VARCHAR(100),
OUT totalUsers INT
INTO totalUsers
FROM users
WHERE first_name = firstName;
FROM users
WHERE first_name = firstName;
END $$

Continue reading “Using MySQL Stored Procedure IN/OUT and Recordset w/ PHP”